One item on the agenda was the business of the annual elections for Board Members. Jeremy Hurst of International Realty Group (IRG) was reelected and remains President for the 2010/2011 Year. Jeannette Totten from Cayman Luxury Property Group will continue to sit in the Vice Presidents seat. James Bovell from RE/MAX Cayman Islands takes up the role of Treasurer and Michael Day from Regal Realty returns as Secretary. Jan Tomkins from Azure Realty comes onto the Board for the first time and returning Board members include Steve Cummins from Vision Real Estate, Dale Crighton from Crighton Properties, Tony Catalanotto from Rainbow Realty and JC Calhoun from Coldwell Banker. On continuing his role as President Jeremy Hurst states, I am honoured to have been elected President of CIREBA for the 2nd consecutive term and I look forward to continuing to work with the CIREBA board, which represents a tremendous resource in terms of real estate expertise and experience. CIREBA intends to continue our proactive and positive role in the promotion of Cayman Islands Real Estate. We will continue to work alongside our members, other professional associations and Government, to do our part in ensuring Cayman continues on the path of long-term stability, prosperity and growth and ensure that the Cayman Islands is able to offer the highest levels of real estate expertise to the market. In reflecting over the past year, Mr. Hurst continues, We will also continue to ensure CIREBA's members have access to the very best tools and resources possible, enabling them to service their vendors and purchasers to the highest professional and ethical standards. The economy and real estate market has experienced a hard couple of years, however signs are that it is starting to turn. There are excellent deals to be had and the market is very good value. We feel it's hit or is close to bottom and as such now is a great time to expect. I fully expect the start of a rebound in 2011. For information on CIREBA and MLS properties, visit www.cireba.com.